Your Health

Think of our clinic as your naturopathic general practice.  You might be surprised at what we can treat.  Each of the Naturopaths at HerbsontheHill are comfortable treating a wide range of conditions, the list below is an indication of the areas they are particularly interested in.

* Asthma and Respiratory problems David CasteleijnTina Taylor

* Assistance with managing Pregnancy Tina Taylor  

* Midlife Women (menopausal transition and beyond)  Michelle Boyd

* Skin disorders (Psoriasis, eczema) Tina Taylor,

* Children’s health Tina Taylor

* Women’s health and hormones  Michelle BoydTina Taylor

* Digestive problems (IBS, Crohn’s, Ulcerative colitis, Constipation) David Casteleijn

* Menstrual and reproductive health (PCOS, endometriosis)  Tina Taylor, Michelle Boyd,

* Fertility health (pre and post conception care)  Tina Taylor,

* Colds and flu David Casteleijn,

* Anxiety and Depression David CasteleijnJason Rainforest,

* Stress and Emotional balance  David Casteleijn, Tina Taylor, Michelle Boyd

* Supporting Thyroid conditions  Tina Taylor

* Difficulties with substance use and assistance with withdrawal  Jason Rainforest,

* Feeling exhausted and run down Jason RainforestDavid Casteleijn, Tina Taylor

* Dietary planning  Tina Taylor,

* Sports Nutrition Sophia Mayor-Wullf

.. … these and many other disorders respond well to our treatments.

We are also very pleased to have Sara Jane Hammond as our visiting Osteopath

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Contact details:

Suite 15c
(second floor Taylor Medical Specialists Centre)
40 Annerley Rd (Mater Hill)
Woolloongabba Q 4102
Phone: 07 3166 1549
Further details, see Contact Us

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