Edward Murphy Brown

Dr. Edward Murphy Brown 
(B.Clin.Sci (Osteo), M.Health.Sc (Osteo). VU
Registered Osteopath

Upon completing my studies in 2019 in Melbourne Victoria, I moved to Brisbane to pursue a career in osteopathy. With a passion for health and an inherited understanding of musculoskeletal conditions I have begun my own treatment and healing journey through Herbs on the Hill. Coupled with the natural and wholesome approach to heal viewed within Naturopathy, Osteopathy provides the perfect holistic manual therapy to couple the two professions and provide you with the best health outcome.

My personal interests primarily involve sport and treating athletes of all abilities and disciplines with a background of semi-professional soccer myself for over a decade, my passion for work in Osteopathy and sport are unparalleled.

Applying my skills and understanding of human biomechanics I have been able to help my patients their greatest potential outcomes and overall success. Successfully treating complaints such as; Headaches, general sprains and strains, Repetitive strain injuries, Whiplash related issues, Pregnancy related back and joint issues, postural issues and tendon pathologies most commonly related to my patients work, hobbies or lifestyle influences.

I enjoy seeing a wide variety of patient demographics and conditions with the view of continued movement and incorporative structured exercise being the key to achieving the best results for my patients after a consult and for the future. The treatment techniques I employ are primarily direct with the goal to restore optimum biomechanics and functionality for my patients to alleviate their symptoms.

Within a consult some general questions about your complaint and medical/ lifestyle history will be taken followed by a thorough musculoskeletal examination followed by treatment including if necessary massage, gentle articulation, Muscle energy technique (a form of active stretching), HVLA manipulation, Counterstain (an indirect functional myofascial release technique), dry needling , taping if required and a specific tailored exercise strategy to assist with speeding up your recovery and addressing your symptoms. To find out more www.edwardmurphyosteopathy.com.au

Thank you for taking the time to read through and I hope to see you soon.

In the meantime, should you wish, you may send me a message with the following form:

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Contact details:

Suite 15c
(second floor Taylor Medical Specialists Centre)
40 Annerley Rd (Mater Hill)
Woolloongabba Q 4102
Phone: 07 3166 1549
Further details, see Contact Us

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