Spiced Beetroot Salad

Quite a hit this one! It’s so different from the usual canned beetroot, many people who can’t stand “that stuff” really like this, and are very surprised – give it a go!….David.


•    4 fresh Beetroot (grated)

•    1 small Onion (finely sliced into rings)

•    1-4 cloves of Garlic (as much as you can tolerate or is acceptable in your social situation)

•    ½ a cup of Raisins

•    Fresh chopped Ginger to taste

•    200mL Balsamic vinegar

•    100 mL Macadamia or Olive oil

•    3 tablespoons Honey

•    ¼ of a teaspoon Nutmeg

•    ¼ of a teaspoon Cinnamon or a Cinnamon stick

•    12 Cloves


•    Place the balsamic vinegar, macadamia or olive oil, honey, nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves in a wide mixing bowl and whisk to combine.  Combine the remaining ingredients and mix well.

•    Pour the dressing over the beetroot combination and allow to marinate in a covered container in the fridge, at least over night.  Keeps well for 4-5 days.

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