This works amazingly well, with some excellent feedback from those who have tried it. As always with recipes there are things you can do to vary it. In this case almond meal works quite nicely as an alternative to the LSA mix, or one of my other variations is to make an LSAP mix which includes equal quantities of pumpkin seeds….David.
• 2 very ripe Bananas
• 4 desert spoons of LSA mix (equal amounts of linseeds, sunflower seeds & almonds ground into a meal)
• 1 desert spoon of honey or Xylitol (a low GI sugar alternative)
• 1 teaspoon natural vanilla essence
• 4 desert spoons of good quality cocoa powder
• 4 desert spoons pure fresh cream
• Process all ingredients in a food processor (except cream) for 3 minutes, then slowly add the cream (while processing) and continue to process for a further 2 minutes.
• Chill and serve with fresh strawberries and the remaining cream freshly whipped.