
Massage therapy has a long history of therapeutic use and can benefit a person physically and also on a deeper level.  Massage is wonderful for treating obvious physical complaints such as tension, soreness, headaches and restricted movement, and is also very helpful in stress management and for general wellbeing.

Sophia began her journey in wellness as a massage therapist prior to becoming a naturopath and still practices massage with great enthusiasm. Sophia is an advocate of self-care and relaxation as essential components to maintaining good health, which are often neglected in our fast-paced modern lifestyles.  As a remedial massage therapist (and naturopath) she uses her knowledge of physiology, the body, and the mind-body connection to uncover the underlying cause of any physical imbalances or discomfort you may be experiencing to provide you with a treatment and the tools you need to feel well and live well in daily life. 

Sophia’s combined health studies have given her a deeper understanding of the body and contributing factors involved in the accumulation of tension and musculoskeletal dysfunction, assisting her in providing each individual with a therapeutic treatment.  

The term “massage therapy” includes many techniques to work on muscles and other soft tissues.
These techniques may include any of the following:
Swedish massage – relaxation techniques
Deep tissue massage – releasing chronic muscle tension
Myofascial release – aims to loosen and lengthen constricted fascia and relax contracted muscles
Trigger point therapy – releasing points which are painful with pressure and associated with pain in other areas of the body
Assisted stretching – lengthening, releasing and increasing mobility of certain muscle groups

Usually a treatment will include a combination of these and depends on your needs and physical condition. All remedial treatments will include relaxation techniques to assist with achieving muscular release.

Massage therapy can be very beneficial in treating acute and chronic pain (especially lower back pain and pain associated with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia), for headache relief, in rehabilitating and increasing range of movement in muscles, for improving sleep, for increasing relaxation, as stress and anxiety management, as well as for maintaining general health and wellbeing.

It is a surprise to many to find out that stress can manifest physically within the body causing tight constricted muscles, and further dysfunction, limited movement and/or headaches. For this reason, a massage treatment will usually also include a home care plan to help you develop new habits and ways of caring for yourself to reduce pain and discomfort within the body, and live well. Relaxation massage is highly recommended for those with acute or ongoing stress.

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Contact details:

Suite 15c
(second floor Taylor Medical Specialists Centre)
40 Annerley Rd (Mater Hill)
Woolloongabba Q 4102
Phone: 07 3166 1549
Further details, see Contact Us

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