Leisa Armstrong

BHSc (Naturopathy)

 My interest in natural health stemmed from my desire to be able to help people, and my interest in Naturopathy was sparked when I began working at a health food manufacturer 10 years ago.  There I was able to see how the research and product development team of naturopaths and nutritionists were able to help people on a larger scale, by producing the right products.  Today, not only am I a qualified naturopath, I am also coordinating the team in research and development at that same company. 

 I see the fundamental differences of naturopathy as our desire to find and treat the cause, rather than simply correcting symptoms, our desire and capabilities to treat you as an individual, and our aspiration to impart the knowledge necessary to facilitate change. 

 My own health was another driver for my fascination, with personal struggles with stress, depression, anxiety and fatigue to name a few, I have been personally able to see the impact natural medicines can have, particularly when other treatments have been far less successful.  My professional interests are not limited to, but for obvious reasons include; anxiety, depression, stress and fatigue, as well as digestive health and sleep.  My work with health food provides me with a rare knowledge of key aspects food manufacturing and product labelling specifics, which can help to provide unique and beneficial insight into many types of food products, and what that means to you. 

 Leisa is available for naturopathic consultations on Saturdays. 


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Phone: 07 3166 1549
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