Justin’s Bircher muesli

Bircher muesli is a traditional Swiss breakfast which is wonderful for your digestive health as it has a good deal of fibre. This recipe also includes some amazing antioxidant fruits which contributes to your general health and well-being… I hope you enjoy this as much as we do ….. Justin


* 2 cups of premium muesli. You can pick whatever style you like from your supermarket aisle as you will be adding a lot extra to it.

* 1 apple, grated

* 2 tablespoons of natural unsweetened yoghurt

* 1 tablespoon of blueberries (alternatively, you can substitute these for dried figs, cranberries or any other dried or fresh fruits should you wish)

* 1 tablespoon of dried goji berries

* 2 teaspoons of LSA ( linseed, sunflower and almond mix available from any health food store)

* half a teaspoon of Cinnamon (great for blood sugar levels)

* Milk if desired


* Grate the apple into a large bowl, and add the fresh and dried fruit. Mix well.

* Add the muesli to the the apple and fruit mix, along with the cinnamon and LSA mix. Mix well.

* Cover the bowl with glad wrap, or place in a plastic container with a lid, and refrigerate overnight.

* For breakfast, simply spoon out some of the Bircher into a bowl and then add the yoghurt to it, mixing well. It will look a little solid and perhaps unappealing, but this is ok as the taste is incredible.

* Add some fresh fruit if you want, and sweeten with honey should you need. This breakfast will give you the energy you need throughout your day and is also a great source of dietary antioxidants.

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