Anxiety and Depression study

A naturalistic observational study of Western herbal medicine practice in self-reported anxiety and depression?

UTS logo 2

Who is doing the Research?

Our names are Dr Jon Wardle, David Casteleijn, Diana Bowman, Michelle Boyd and Tina Taylor and we are academics at University of Technology Sydney (UTS) (JW, DC, DB, TT) and Endeavour College of Natural Health (ECNH) (DC, DB, MB, TT). The project has been funded by a grant from Endeavour College of Natural Health (ECNH) (Research Project Grant: number 20140522) and Herbal Medicine is supplied by MediHerb PTY Ltd.

Ethics approvals:

ANZCTR: ACTRN12616000010493;
ECNH: HREC: 2015072;
UTS HREC 2014000809 (ph 02 9514 9772)

What is this research about?

To investigate the effectiveness of individualised herbal medicine, as it is practised by Naturopaths.

What is the benefit to me?

While the regular consultation is charged, participants will receive their prescription free of charge as consideration for completing the forms for the three consultations which are part of the study.  Treatment will not be changed due to involvement in this study, as the research is evaluating practice as it occurs in ‘real world’ settings.

If I say yes, what will it involve?

You will ask patients to complete five forms initially (one demographic form and four assessment questionnaires), and four forms (the assessment questionnaires only) at the two subsequent follow-up consultations. These forms will take about 15 minutes to complete. Practitioners will also provide detailed information about the herbal medicine treatment provided at each consultation.

Is it a problem if I am on medication?

No, this is not a problem.  There are some herbs we need to be careful not to prescribe in combination with various medications, but there are many more which can be used and could possibly improve medication outcomes.

Are there any risks/inconvenience?

The study has been carefully designed, minimising any risks. Patient treatment will not change because of involvement in this study, as we are seeking to test the therapies as they are practised in the ‘real world’. Due to the personal nature of this topic, some questions may make you feel slightly embarrassed or uncomfortable, but are important for the treatment to be properly evaluated. The research will also take a small amount of your time.

What is the next step if I want to be involved?

You can book an appointment with any of the practitioners at HerbsontheHill, or with an associate practitioner not at HerbsontheHill but involved in the study – see below for a list. To book with a HerbsontheHill practitioner, call our receptionists on 07 31661549 or follow the links to make your own appointment.

Associated Practitioners:

New Farm: Marion McConnell:
Milton: Brisbane Natural Health: Katherine Maslen:
Milton: Brisbane Natural Health: Iwa Brown:

Kangaroo Point Naturopaths: Denise Hales:
Kangaroo Point Naturopaths: Melissa Briggs:
Upper Coomera: Randa Karzon:
Noosa: Karen McElroy:
Peachester: Billy Lerch:
Mackay: Patricia Gros-Dubois:

New South Wales:

Crows Nest: Your Remedy: Norelle Hentschel:
Cobargo: The Dispensary: 57a Princess Highway Cobargo: 0402 215 305


Fairfield: Sandra Villella:
Fairfield: Ljupka Peev:

For more information about this trial please contact David Casteleijn


Participant (Patient) Information sheet
Participant (Patient) Consent form
Participant (Practitioner) Information sheet
Participant (Practitioner) Consent from
Full set of Forms (ready to print by participating practitioner)


This research is funded by

Endeavour logoMediHerb Logo

Make an appointment today:

Call reception on 07 3166 1549 or book online:
Book an appointment with Herbs on the Hill using SetMore

Contact details:

Suite 15c
(second floor Taylor Medical Specialists Centre)
40 Annerley Rd (Mater Hill)
Woolloongabba Q 4102
Phone: 07 3166 1549
Further details, see Contact Us

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